In going deeper in the study of walking in intimacy with God, I would like to spend a little time looking into the need for “meditation.” I am not referring to an eastern version of mysticism, nor “transcendental meditation” that became quite popular in the west starting in the 1960’s. For those that are living the life of a Christ-follower, […]
The Controversy of Faith and Works, Part 4
It is a hard thing for many of us to realize that some of our traditional teachings do not cover the whole truth being conveyed in God’s Word. This is of course also a common line used by many cultists and so I would encourage the reader to check these things out for yourself before accepting “truths” from anyone. It must be confirmed in the Word of God. Often it is of great value to research the original usage of words so that the true meaning is understood. This often casts a bit of light on the subject not seen before. This is the case with many of the things that Jesus said, particularly in His parables.
The book of Hebrews is avoided by more readers of the New Testament than most books, other than possibly the Book of Revelation. Many of the concepts reach back into the Old Testament, in order to tie the old sacrificial system together with the new. I was doing some reading in Hebrews however and was struck by a few things […]