As we continue watching the unfolding of news in the Middle East, we see tensions continue to rise. The reality of the life and death struggle faced by this generation is real across the entire world, few places more desperate than for the millions of displaced peoples of the Mideast. Some regions are of course experiencing harsher circumstances than others. […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 12/26/2018 God is Good!
As I begin this update close to the end of 2018, I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to share a few thoughts about how we ought to view the days we are living in and how we should approach them. We live in unique times and it is important that we see what God has to say to us […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 8/30/2018 Souls Passing Into Eternity
Lately, every time I get ready to write a House of Blessing Update, I wonder if the Mideast will erupt into a large scale war before I can even finish the update. War has been expected in the region for several years. The Middle East became embroiled in the so-called Arab Spring and Syria’s civil war which has now gone […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 7/26/2018 God’s Heart: The Harvest
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are well aware of the Great Commission found in Mark 16:15-20. This is a command for believers in Jesus Christ to reach the world with the Gospel of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. We find that Luke 10:2 calls Him the “Lord of the Harvest. ” The Master is given many names in […]
In today’s update I would like to reprint an older episode as I sometimes do so that we don’t forget the great things God has done in the past in response to the prayers of God’s people. This story involves a number of House of Blessing missionaries, one of them being a man named Omar. This Omar however is not […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 2/20/2018 “It’s Not Over Until God says It’s Over!”
How much does God involve Himself in the affairs of men? There are those who only understand God as a powerful Being that may have created the heavens and the earth but has long ago left the earth and its inhabitants to fate and to their own devices. The Bible tells us differently. History continues to unfold just as it […]
As I peruse the news from around the world today and read about the misery, brutality, and death everywhere, I am reminded of words spoken by the Messiah 2,000 years ago and recorded for us in the Book of John… “I am the door, if anyone enters by Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and […]
As I sit here at my laptop and begin this update, I think about today’s date and all that is happening in the world and I am astounded that I am witnessing all that I am seeing coming to pass. A couple days ago while my wife, Anne, was spending time alone with the Lord, she wrote down some of […]
As I read news reports from all around the world, I am continually reminded of the warnings Jesus gave about the signs of the end of the age. These signs are here today. One one of the signs is wars and rumors of wars, nation coming against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. I have read numerous accounts written by servants […]
I have used Ephesians 5:14-17 as a passage of Scripture lately in Bible studies and even mentioned it on occasion while writing these Mideast Updates. The passage reads like this: Therefore He says: “Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming […]