My first phone call in 2019 from Pastor R in Syria was quite short but I was able to get a quick overview of the situation the House of Blessing missionaries are presently facing. As is with every winter, the missionaries who embed themselves within the refugee populations, go through the very difficult winter conditions along with the people they […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 12/26/2018 God is Good!
As I begin this update close to the end of 2018, I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to share a few thoughts about how we ought to view the days we are living in and how we should approach them. We live in unique times and it is important that we see what God has to say to us […]
As we continue to examine the details provided for us by the prophet Ezekiel concerning the Gog-Magog war, we will look closer at a couple of interesting references made to national entities directly in opposition to Gog’s aggression. One of these is found in Ezekiel 38:13 and a second in Ezekiel 39:6: Sheba, Dedan, the merchants of Tarshish, and all […]
As we continue our study, we look at the vision that the Apostle John had of the risen Messiah, and his reactions to what he saw and experienced. The passage is found in Revelation 1:9-20 9 I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 12/10/2018 The Last Lap!
I am amazed how the talk of the imminent return of the Messiah has increased dramatically, even in just the last couple weeks. The expectation is high and growing. At the same time, many are afraid to touch on the subject, and others hate to miss an opportunity to scoff. I do know what I am hearing in my […]
One recurring theme throughout much of the Old Testament speaks of a time when Israel will no longer be able to profane the name of the Lord their GOD. One of these passages is found in Ezekiel 39:7-8: “So I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel, and I will not let them profane […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 11/29/2018 “Messiah, our ONLY Hope”
There are several news reports coming out of the Middle East in the past week that have had a direct effect of the House of Blessing and its missionaries. I was able to ask Pastor R about these events a couple days ago when he called. One of the incidents was of a chemical attack just northwest of Aleppo, Syria. […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 11/20/2018 “And The Miracles Multiply!”
The encounter with one of God’s angels that Pastor Farid had after having been left for dead from his injuries in a garbage dump is a story that brings encouragement and also great praise to our God. We find these words about angels in the Book of Hebrews: …Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 11/5/2018 “Harvest Time!”
One of the wondrous things that happens when a person becomes a true follower of Yeshua / Jesus, is a heart change within. The Apostle Paul described it this way in 2 Corinthians: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Now all things are of […]
I titled the previous Mideast Update, “Racing to the Finish Line,” and it truly is a race. Our world is in trouble but we serve Someone who is greater than the world or its problems. It is He that put us on this earth and it is He who chose the slot in time for us to be here. He […]