“The Worthy One” — “The Lamb of GOD” –Part One–

It has been brought to my attention that a two part series by the above title covering Revelation 4 & 5 is missing in the archives. By request, I am making them available again. Both parts, one and two, will be rerun back to back  * * * * In preparation for a detailed study of Revelation 6-7 which includes […]


The “Rapture”…Some Critical Thoughts –Part Two–

This is the final installment of a two part series… *********************************** It was not only the Apostle Paul who warned against mocking. We find the Apostle Peter spoke about it as well. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may […]


The “Rapture”….Some Critical Thoughts –Part One–

Because there are quite a number of questions on the subject of the “Rapture”, and because some find it controversial — or at least the timing of the event, I have updated and am re-running both parts of the series, back to back. I pray the reader is blessed and encouraged! We need it today! **************************** The “Rapture” has become one […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…8/19/2023…”God Sees Us Through All Things”

In Matthew 7:8 we find these words: “Everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”  The words used in this passage, “ask”, “seek”, and “knock”, imply continuous, persistent action. Jesus didn’t tell His disciples that they should only ask once, seek briefly, or give a single knock when they pray […]


Chronology of the Seals, Part Fourteen, Revelation 7

At the conclusion of the 13th installment of this series, we ended by saying that Jesus warned the disciples, and by extension all of us, that the end of the age would come with a sudden, unexpected, cataclysmic destruction. The Sixth Seal and all events connected to it certainly fit the description Jesus warned about.  As we look at Revelation […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…8/9/2023…”Everlasting to Everlasting”

A question that comes to mind at times, and badgers us as believers, is will God’s love for me truly endure? Will it continue even through my failings and sinful mistakes? Can my own weaknesses as a Christ-follower ever wear down His love for me?  Psalm 103:17 tells us that The love (mercy) of the LORD is from everlasting to […]


Chronology of the Seals in Revelation 6….Part Thirteen

In previous installments of this series of articles, considerable emphasis has been placed on examining some of the details of the Gog/Magog War of Ezekiel 38-39 and its possible, perhaps probable, connection to World War 3 which currently seems to be ratcheting up quickly. We also spent time examining the details revealed in Scripture in describing the opening of the […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…7/6/2023…”Knocked Down But Not Destroyed”

Just before sharing the latest call from Pastor R, I would like to refer to a passage of Scripture found in the fourth chapter of 2 Corinthians the Living Bible. 7 But this precious treasure — this light and power that now shine within us — is held in a perishable container, that is, in our weak bodies. Everyone can […]


Chronology of the Seals in Revelation 6…Part Twelve

We ended Part Eleven with three questions:  Could Ezekiel’s Gog-Magog War be connected to World War 3?  Could there be a connection to the opening of the Sixth Seal?  Could there also be a connection to the catching away of the Church?  We will take these three questions in some depth: EZEKIEL’S GOG-MAGOG WAR CONNECTION TO WORLD WAR THREE?  The […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…6/22/2023…”By the ‘Foolishness’ of Preaching, Those Who Believe Are Saved”

In light of the approaching Muslim pilgrimage known as the Hajj, and the Muslim day of sacrifice on the third day, Eid al-Adha, this is a timely update. Pastor R mentioned the upcoming date in a call this week.  Most readers are aware of the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca. This year, about 2 million Muslims are expected to journey […]
