Who is Jesus Christ? Why is it that after 2,000 years of history having passed, He is still the central figure of all history? Was He merely a prophet as some claim? Was He just a historical influential philosopher, one of many? Or was He one among the many religious leaders we find listed in our history books? Was He […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…7/3/2022….”How Amazing is our GOD!”
Considering the size of the series of miracles in the last few weeks, including today’s addition, this update will be rather short. The reason for the brevity of today’s update is because the Muslim, Eid al-Adha, a time of special evangelism by the House of Blessing missionaries is only days away and I’d like you to know what has happened […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…6/27/2022…”Keep Looking Up!!”
In the previous update, I made mention of the fact that one of Islam’s most important feast days is coming up early in the month of July. The yearly Hajj begins July 7 and continues through July 12. The Eid al-Adha feast is celebrated in the last three days, ending on the 12th. I explained the significance of the feast […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….4/12/2022….”Intense in Tents!”
In Luke 10, we find these words: 1 After these things the Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. 2 Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….4/5/2022….Multitudes of Gentiles Being Brought into God’s Kingdom!
This will once again be a rather short update but I received a call from Pastor R and he asked me to let you know the latest, now that the Muslim month of Ramadan has begun. Just before doing so, I would like to share a passage of Scripture found in the Book of Acts: 22 “…we want to hear […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….3/31/2022…”Redeeming The Time”
“…redeeming the time, because the days are evil” Ephesians 5:16 As this update is posted on line, it is only a matter of hours until the Muslim month of Ramadan begins. The House of Blessing has been planning, preparing, and praying now for weeks in preparation for 30 days of intensive evangelism. The question is asked every year, could this […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….5/31/2021….”NOTHING can separate us from the Love of GOD”
One of my favorite passages in the Bible is found in Romans 8. Below are three of these verses: For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us…and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…4/24/2021…”Teach Us Your Ways, O GOD!”
Just a real quick update as we have come to the end of another week. I received a call from Pastor R earlier in the week with a little bit of information to add to the previous update. A story which began with a man named Suleiman and his four grown sons is continuing. You’ll remember that HOB brothers Mahmoud […]
MIDEAST UPDATE….3/18/2021….”Just As I Am”
In the last update, I told the story of five men; a father named Suleiman, and his four grown sons, Majd, Mustafa, Refaat, and Aref. These five men had been raised Muslim but eventually became Islamic State (Daesh) militants. When in God’s providence their paths crossed with House of Blessing’s missionaries, Omar, Sami, and Mussa, they found that Jesus Christ […]
MIDEAST UPDATE…..3/19/2020….”Silence!”
No matter what news source one looks at, everyone today is talking about the coronavirus (officially named COVID-19) which has now been designated a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. The numbers of those infected and the deceased are increasing in greater numbers every day. One of the fears has been that the virus would inevitably reach the millions […]