I am presently on a very short trip away from my home state but want to at least get a quick update out since it has been longer than usual since the last one. The situation in the northern part of Syria is not good. Although there has been a temporary hold put on the large military campaign that is […]
As mentioned in the concluding remarks of Part One, we have In the Old Testament 83rd Psalm a unique prayer petition recorded which many, myself included, is more than just a prayer, but a prophecy of a future conflict that Israel is going to face. It is one of several prophecies that predict a specific conflict with Israel’s enemies, distinct […]
It has been said that the Epicenter of the world is Israel; Jerusalem is the focus; but the Temple Mount is the Bulls-eye! The most contested piece of real estate in the entire world is the Temple Mount. Daily news from around the world continues to be filled with the conflicts surrounding the rightful ownership of the land of Israel–or […]
QUICK UPDATE ON PASTOR R September 3, 2018
Although I have little to share as far as an official Mideast Update, I do want to quickly pass on some new information on Pastor R’s physical condition. Most of you who regularly read these updates will likely have seen the photo of Pastor R’s foot and the infection he has been fighting. As his temperature would not stay down […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 8/30/2018 Souls Passing Into Eternity
Lately, every time I get ready to write a House of Blessing Update, I wonder if the Mideast will erupt into a large scale war before I can even finish the update. War has been expected in the region for several years. The Middle East became embroiled in the so-called Arab Spring and Syria’s civil war which has now gone […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 8/21/2018 God is Good!!
In the 21st Chapter of the Book of Luke, we find these words spoken by our Lord: “Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.” (verse 28) For those that are watching events around the world and know the “things” Jesus was referring to, it is abundantly clear that […]
URGENT I received an urgent request for prayer this morning that I want to pass on to you. In order to get this out quickly, I will write the regular Mideast Update in a second posting to the blog site. It wasn’t all that long ago when an urgent request was sent out for special prayer for Pastor R concerning […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 8/6/2018 “Urgent Times!”
“Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’ Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest!” John 4:35 As I write today’s update, I am thinking of the arrangements being quickly made by the House of Blessing missionaries to make […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 7/26/2018 God’s Heart: The Harvest
As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we are well aware of the Great Commission found in Mark 16:15-20. This is a command for believers in Jesus Christ to reach the world with the Gospel of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. We find that Luke 10:2 calls Him the “Lord of the Harvest. ” The Master is given many names in […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 7/14/2018 “…and they did not love their lives to the death”
It goes without saying that for most of us, it is nearly impossible to picture for ourselves what the conditions really are where many missionaries serve in today’s world. This is certainly the case with the House of Blessing missionaries. The circumstances vary from place to place across the Middle East, but there are some constants. Every day is filled […]