It has been said that the Epicenter of the world is Israel; Jerusalem is the focus; but the Temple Mount is the Bulls-eye! The most contested piece of real estate in the entire world is the Temple Mount. Daily news from around the world continues to be filled with the conflicts surrounding the rightful ownership of the land of Israel–or […]
“SUDDENLY!” Part 15, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)
Jesus warned that the closer we get to His return, wars and the rumors of war would be multiplied. This has happened. The number of conflicts going on all at the same time have greatly multiplied, both in number as well as intensity. Wars and rumors of wars are one of the signs Jesus said would be part of the […]
Continued from Part 1 Tom Horn and Chris Putnam, in their well documented and very detailed book, “Exo-Vaticana” have an exhaustive list of verified quotes by Vatican officials. I am only referring to a handful for this article, but as the reader can already see, there is no question about the direction that Roman Catholic doctrine is heading, and it […]
Quite often in recent times I have experienced an urgency in my soul. This is one of those times so I must set aside everything else I have been working on and share some thoughts that are crowding my mind today, including what I believe is coming at us in our immediate future. As most of us know, we are […]
MIDDLE EAST UPDATE, May 14, 2014 by Jake Geier
My Middle East update this week covers a bit over one week. Much has happened in the last month, and the events keep unfolding rapidly. I received another call last Friday letting me know that Pastor R**** is still alive, and I purposely underline the fact! The last attack on his person was perpetrated by three men who viciously attacked […]
My Middle East update today will not be a long one but there are many that have asked the latest I’ve learned. I received a phone call early Friday morning from Pastor R**** and he gave me his status. As of his call he was still in the hospital due to a persistent high temperature and his heart needing to […]
Middle East Update, 4/30/2014
The last few days have seemed like a whirlwind on this side of the world while I was receiving phone call after phone call from Syria. Things were happening so fast that I could only get the latest news out via e-mail. So, for those who are not on my e-mail list, I will try and give you a quick […]
Mideast Update, 4/22/2014
After not receiving a call from Pastor R**** of the House Of Blessing, Jerusalem, for over two weeks, I was quite happy to receive not one call, but two: on Good Friday and then another on Easter Sunday. I had learned that there had been an attempt on Pastor R****’s life, but didn’t have any details other than that he […]
Middle East Update–3/31/2014
I was pleased to receive my weekly phone call from Pastor R**** out of Syria once again. He let me know that the work of the ministry is going well and there is a continuous flow of new volunteer missionaries being raised up. I asked a few questions this time so that I could get a better picture of how […]
I have had an ominousness for a while now. If I could put it into words it would be to say that things in our world have digressed to a much lower point than most of us are aware of. God however is not leaving the Church without warning, thus news alerts like this one. God’s end-time clock is much […]