As discussed in part one, the fall of Adam in the Garden of Eden left his relationship with his Creator broken. Not only that, but death was brought into the picture, not just for the human race but also for creation itself. Everything that had been perfectly created and designed to continue in perfection throughout the eons of time, now […]
Undoubtedly the most controversial character in history is Jesus Christ. But why? Let’s see if we can see what sets this “man” apart from all others. An unknown author wrote a piece called, “One Solitary Life” which I share here: “Nearly two thousand years ago in an obscure village, a child was born of a peasant woman. He grew up […]
Jesus had a way of doing things that often struck people as odd. One of these times was with a miracle He performed on a blind man in John 9:1-12. Here is how the account reads: Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this […]
In 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 we find these words penned by the Apostle Paul: We are not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace. These hard times are small potatoes […]
“SUDDENLY!” Part 14, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)
Jesus warned us that there would be wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom, ethnic conflicts, and religious wars. As He foretold, this is exactly what has been happening between the time of His words being spoken just before He was crucified and the very moment of my writing this article. Since the first century, […]
During this last week, I have found myself doing a lot of thinking about the chaotic situation in our world today. Part of the world is in the throes of great evil with unspeakable atrocities being committed against the human race–things that are so horrific it is difficult to accept the fact that human beings could stoop so low as […]
After my phone call this week from Syria, I have made several attempts to write an update that truly reflects the nature of what is happening in the lives of House of Blessing’s missionaries and the thousands of refugees that they are ministering to. As I receive each update, I am reminded again and again of the unique time in […]
Many of you know that the mideast has been hit with one brutal winter storm after another. It is hard enough for a person under normal circumstances, but for those who are caught in the chaos of what has been going on in the Middle East, it has been insufferable. Last year was difficult as well. Many of you saw […]
I was out of my hometown at the time of my last update from the Middle East. As I took the call while visiting the Oregon Coast, I was walking through a neighborhood that is located right up next to the mighty Pacific Ocean, the largest ocean on our planet. After prayer and our goodbye, I could not help but […]
The last two weeks has proven to be harrowing in many ways for House of Blessing, and for its leadership. I would like to share a Scripture that fits the situation well before sharing a few details. In 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 we find these words penned by the Apostle Paul: But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the […]