After having received three separate calls from Syria this last week, I spent some time reminiscing over the story that has unfolded over the last 32 months. It has truly been a saga of tremendous effort, sacrifice, triumph, tragedy, and new life for hundreds of thousands who had no hope. As I was thinking back over the events and phone […]

MIDEAST UPDATE, 11/29/2014

Greetings Everyone: Just before sharing with you the latest update I received from House Of Blessing, Jerusalem, I would like to clear up an unintentional mistake made in my previous Mideast Update. After my introductory comments I inserted an e-mail I received directly from the Epicenter. Due to some unfortunate misunderstanding on my part, I thought the e-mail urgent prayer […]

MIDEAST UPDATE, 11/11/2014

This last week has been very eventful. I received a report from Syria with photos taken in Northern Syria near the border with Turkey. Mofidah, and her group of widows in Syria, who have had so many astounding experiences in the past few months, was able to get to Pastor R****’s location and visit with him in person. She brought […]


GOD’S MYSTERY, The Church, Part 2 “The Compromising Church”

As mentioned in previous postings, The “Church” was meant and designed to be a glorious entity that would fulfill God’s plan in this world, but yet not be of the world. In the first part of this series I made a comment that the Church today is in trouble. That may not sit well with everyone, and I want to […]



For this update, I suggest that the reader take time and read through the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. What we read there is just the beginning. In these last moments of time before the Great Day of the Lord, we are being gifted with some of the most tremendous stories of all time. In the history of […]


“SUDDENLY!” Part 11 (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

In Part 10 of this series, we started taking an in depth look at how the end time wars would unfold. The Old Testament has given us intricate detail of what is still to come. Because we are the generation that is going to witness these events coming to pass, it is important to understand what the Word of God […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/29/2014

After not having heard from House of Blessing for about ten days or so, it was good to receive an update once again. After hearing of the unusual visitor Pastor R**** had had last time, I could not help but wonder how things were. One of the things that seems to be a constant in the last weeks is the […]
