It may seem that I am spending an inordinate amount of time on the first of the Apocalyptic Horse Riders. I am spending more writing time on this than originally intended, but for all I know, this may be the last chance I have to address the subject of this Rider in this setting. Things are moving so quickly now […]
Mideast Update, 4/22/2014
After not receiving a call from Pastor R**** of the House Of Blessing, Jerusalem, for over two weeks, I was quite happy to receive not one call, but two: on Good Friday and then another on Easter Sunday. I had learned that there had been an attempt on Pastor R****’s life, but didn’t have any details other than that he […]
How To Walk In Intimacy With God, Part 7
Prayer is a delicacy in our relationship with our Creator that most of us, myself included, do not take full advantage of. But, it is the realization of the lack that is the first step to the cure. How many of us say that we don’t have enough time to really spend in prayer, certainly not like so many of […]
“SUDDENLY!” Part 5 (Apocalyptic White Horse & Rider, continued)
At this point in the discussion I would like to go into some of the preparations that are happening behind the scenes that most people are not aware of. I will come back to the upcoming third incursion of Nephilim after more groundwork has been laid. The late scientist, David Flynn, said: “Currently, the group of beings referred to as […]
“SUDDENLY!” Part 4 (Apocalyptic White Horse & Rider, continued)
Solomon said: “What has been, will be again; what has been done, will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9) One of the prophecies given by Jesus about the end of the age was this: “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. […]
“SUDDENLY!” Part 3 (Apocalyptic White Horse Rider continued)
I ended Part 2 of this series with the statement “following after ‘doctrines of devils’ brings about an eternal fall, not just a slip and fall while still on the right path.” Part 2 went into a lengthy discussion on the Apocalyptic White Horse Rider, described in Revelation 6:1-2. I would like to go a bit further in my discussion […]
Under The Almond Tree
by Tuija Paasovaara Why do you have to go to Israel again? Isn’t it unsafe? It is full of terrorists, soldiers, apartheid and rockets. All kinds of fundamentalist, religious people. These are the words you might hear if you want to visit Israel again and again. They have the wrong picture, but it is the most common view you are […]
Middle East Update–3/31/2014
I was pleased to receive my weekly phone call from Pastor R**** out of Syria once again. He let me know that the work of the ministry is going well and there is a continuous flow of new volunteer missionaries being raised up. I asked a few questions this time so that I could get a better picture of how […]
How To Walk In Intimacy With God–Part 6
In the last portion of Part 5 of this series, we went into some detail describing why personal worship is such an integral part of our walk of intimacy with God. We looked at how worship must be a way of life and we showed how a personal time set aside to commune with God is absolutely necessary. We continue […]
In Matthew 24 we have the account of the disciples of Jesus coming to Him and asking Him how they would know when the end of the world was coming as well as the time of His return. This is how Jesus responded, starting at verses 3-4: “And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, his disciples came unto […]