As I was watching the news a couple days ago, reports came in about three large earthquakes; one in Japan, another in Costa Rica, and a third located on the Iraq / Iran border. This last quake was the largest of the three and registered approximately 7.3 on the richter scale. Due to the quake being relatively shallow in depth, […]
As the Middle East continues to change, the work of the House of Blessing missionaries continues. Over the last handful of years, this work has spread from one mideast nation to another. The enemy of our souls was on the attack from the very beginning of this project as Pastor R was directed by the Lord to begin ministering over […]
After three weeks of not receiving any new information from the House of Blessing missionaries, it was a welcome relief to hear Pastor R’s gravely voice on the phone once again. Although notably tired, he sounded like the inspired man who has been sharing news with me from the front lines of the war for men’s souls in the Middle […]
-Quick- MIDEAST UPDATE, 8/14/2017
It has been longer than normal since I wrote my last Mideast Update. I base my updates on the current news I receive through Pastor R in Syria. He has been taken around to the innumerable communities of Christian believers all around the Damascus region and even further in the last three weeks or so. As regular readers will know, […]
A Story from Mosul July 2017 For God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-17) I have told you these things, […]
Not long after I spoke with House of Blessing’s Pastor R, in my personal devotional time with the Lord today I came across a verse of scripture that accurately describes how many believers in the West feel who have been following, financially supporting, and holding up in prayer the House of Blessing and its missionaries. It is found in 1 […]
As the Lord promised, He has anointed His people to preach and teach the Word of God with great power and authority in these crucial times. Ramadan 2017 has become a time of great harvest for the Kingdom of God. The “multitudes in the valley of decision” which the prophet Joel spoke of in the Old Testament, today are streaming […]
I have been out of my office for a few days but want to pass on the most recent information that I have received in my last two conversations with Pastor R. The Islamic month of Ramadan is in full swing and the House of Blessing missionaries are strategically located around the Middle East. Just in the first few days […]
Many people in today’s world, even those that may not claim to be religious, are beginning to recognize that we are living in a time like none before. I have often referred to the warnings Jesus gave to the disciples in Matthew 24 and Luke 21. These passages go into considerable detail about what to expect in the days in […]
A STORY FROM MOSUL…Mideast Update 3/6/2017 Part 1
This week’s Mideast Update is in two parts, to allow for this special story just in… Robert Moffatt, a 19th Century Scottish Missionary, is noted to have said, “We have eternity to celebrate our victories, but only one short hour before sunset in which to win them.” For the HOB missionaries in Syria and Iraq, those victories are often […]