As I read news reports from all around the world, I am continually reminded of the warnings Jesus gave about the signs of the end of the age. These signs are here today. One one of the signs is wars and rumors of wars, nation coming against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. I have read numerous accounts written by servants […]



I have used Ephesians 5:14-17 as a passage of Scripture lately in Bible studies and even mentioned it on occasion while writing these Mideast Updates. The passage reads like this: Therefore He says: “Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming […]



Through two phone calls received this morning from Pastor R, I have learned that the doctors that performed his first surgery had found that his blood was being poisoned somehow. His condition baffled the doctors because his blood tests showed signs of gangrene somewhere. The hospital immediately put him on strong medication, hoping that this would cure the problem. In […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/19/2016

I find myself turning to John 14:1-3 more and more these days as a counterbalance to the supply of bad news available through the news services on a daily basis. This is how these three verses read: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it […]


URGENT! Need For Prayer!

I received a call very early this morning from Pastor R asking me for urgent prayer. Readers of this blog will know Mufidah’s name well. She has been in the line of fire for several years now as she and her group of widows we’ve called “The Widow Sisterhood” have ministered to, prayed for, and led untold hundreds to the […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/27/2016

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil; therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17: I think many of us, as professing Christians, do not think enough about what the will of the Lord may be. We have very […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/20/2016

As I write this Mideast Update, the world population is just under 7½ billion people. According to those that keep population statistics professionally, the population of the world grows by roughly 84 million people per year, more than the present population of Germany. It is estimated that 55.3 million people die per year. This means that about 151,600 souls pass […]



As I look over my notes from my last conversation with Pastor R, I once again encourage you not to see the numbers of the newly killed missionaries, as well as the many reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ, as just that…numbers. I pray that these Mideast Updates never become routine reports, just giving an accounting of gains and […]



For the House of Blessing missionaries, as well as Pastor R, the founder, it has been both a trying, yet miraculous past two weeks. Anyone having read recent update articles will know that, not only have many of the HOB missionaries and new believers lost their lives, but the founder of House of Blessing, Pastor R, was nearly himself if […]
