Over the years I have met many people who have had a great struggle trying to forget their own past. In this part of this series, I would like to take some time to offer some Scriptural help to those who so often struggle with the despair that this torment brings. God’s Word does not leave us without the tools […]


“SUDDENLY”, (Apocalyptic White Horse & Rider, continued), Part 7

In Part 6 of this series I outlined the “Blue Beam Project.” I know that for many people the content may have been hard to swallow, but the facts that have become available leave us at least needing to allow for its eventual revelation to the public–even if in a clandestine way. Finding real truth in our day is becoming […]


JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 21, 2013

Much missionary work is going on in 2013, none more difficult than in the middle of the civil war going on in Syria. A ministry run by House Of Blessing, Jerusalem is in the thick of it and are paying a very heavy price to share the love of God to people who have no hope, nor have they ever heard of the God of love who paid the price for mankind’s freedom, eternally. This is the last installment of a 16 month saga by H.O.B. and its humble founder.
