Jesus had a way of doing things that often struck people as odd. One of these times was with a miracle He performed on a blind man in John 9:1-12. Here is how the account reads: Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. And His disciples asked him, saying, “Rabbi, who sinned, this […]



After my phone call this week from Syria, I have made several attempts to write an update that truly reflects the nature of what is happening in the lives of House of Blessing’s missionaries and the thousands of refugees that they are ministering to. As I receive each update, I am reminded again and again of the unique time in […]


“SUDDENLY!” Part 13, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

As we ended Part 12 of this “Suddenly” series, we pointed out several Scriptures detailing what will happen to Damascus. The coming destruction of Damascus has been the topic of many studies, debates, and much question concerning the timing. Between the Old Testament prophecies penned by Isaiah and Jeremiah and other prophets, we have many details, one of them being […]



I would like to begin this update by saying thank you to the many readers who have followed this story, some from the very beginning of this project at the end of March 2012. It has been an incredible saga, a story that can only be told in its fullness when we find ourselves in the presence of our Messiah, […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/21/2014

Hardly a week goes by in which there is not a new story to tell in the lives of House of Blessing missionaries. For over 32 months, there have been stories of the many who have found their Messiah Jesus as Savior. At the same time, there are the difficult stories of the losses and the heartache that comes with […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 11/11/2014

This last week has been very eventful. I received a report from Syria with photos taken in Northern Syria near the border with Turkey. Mofidah, and her group of widows in Syria, who have had so many astounding experiences in the past few months, was able to get to Pastor R****’s location and visit with him in person. She brought […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/29/2014

After not having heard from House of Blessing for about ten days or so, it was good to receive an update once again. After hearing of the unusual visitor Pastor R**** had had last time, I could not help but wonder how things were. One of the things that seems to be a constant in the last weeks is the […]



I have had several direct calls from the Middle East in the last week, each one more awe-inspiring than the one before it. I am afraid it is way too easy for those of us living in the West where life still has some semblance of normalcy, to see the rest of the world as something off of this planet. […]



As I was contemplating the different things to include in today’s update, I reread Revelation 6, paying special attention to the fifth seal which is found in verses 9-11. It reads like this: When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and the […]



Quite often in recent times I have experienced an urgency in my soul. This is one of those times so I must set aside everything else I have been working on and share some thoughts that are crowding my mind today, including what I believe is coming at us in our immediate future. As most of us know, we are […]
