In light of the explosive events in Syria in the last few days, I am going to take a detour from what I had intended to write. I have fresh details to share about the success HOB missionaries are having in many places across the Mideast, but right now the tragic events, centered mostly in and around the northwest corner […]
MIDEAST UPDATE 7/14/2018 “…and they did not love their lives to the death”
It goes without saying that for most of us, it is nearly impossible to picture for ourselves what the conditions really are where many missionaries serve in today’s world. This is certainly the case with the House of Blessing missionaries. The circumstances vary from place to place across the Middle East, but there are some constants. Every day is filled […]
I received a phone call from Pastor R this morning with some additional information concerning the men that have been taken in custody. Two of the House of Blessing leaders took it upon themselves to go to the Iraqi police to see if they could find out what happened and why. Because there had been no recent problems with the […]
As I get ready to send out the first Mideast Update for 2017, I want to first say thank you to all the people around the world that have responded to the urgent prayer need for Pastor R in the last few days. I have sent out several short urgent prayer notices, and judging from different comments I’ve seen, there […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/13/2016
In one of the calls I received from Pastor R this past week, I had the amazing opportunity to speak with three of the new graduates from HOB’s School of Ministry. These three men, whose names were Mahmud, Abdullah, and Gaze, knew very little English but were able to greet me on the phone. They felt it a blessing to […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/20/2016
As I write this Mideast Update, the world population is just under 7½ billion people. According to those that keep population statistics professionally, the population of the world grows by roughly 84 million people per year, more than the present population of Germany. It is estimated that 55.3 million people die per year. This means that about 151,600 souls pass […]
As I write this update, both the chaos of war as well as the supernatural intervention in the lives of people continues. The struggle for control of Syria’s largest city, Aleppo, continues with Syria’s dictator Assad sending the Syrian military in full force, indiscriminately killing militants and civilians alike. Hospitals, clinics, and even refugee camps have been hit, leaving many […]
In the last few days, I’ve received several calls from Pastor R from his location near Damascus. As always, there is good news as well as news of tragic events that have transpired. There is now not a day that goes by in the Middle East without a multitude of events unfolding. We are the generation Jesus spoke of that […]