What do I mean about “those” days? Both in the secular world as well as among a number of religions, people are wondering if these are “the days” that point to a soon coming apocalypse. Much of the secular world would prefer to take a philosophical view of the world situation, saying that the world is only going through one […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/28/2015
As I look over the last few updates, I can see how the reports I have been receiving of the missionary work from the front lines in the Middle East, very much reflect the news from that part of the world. Only someone totally oblivious to the news of the world would not be aware of the dramatic increase in […]
Many readers of the Mideast Updates on keeplookingupward.com over the past 3+ years have heard what are commonly called “unbelievable” and “miraculous” stories of how God is using humble, unknown men and women to further His purposes and plans in these times. All the stories of provision, protection, healings, and salvations, as well as death and martyrdom in Syria, Iraq, […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/13/2015
I think one of the things that has astounded me the most from the reports I receive from the Mideast, is the phenomenal response to the gospel of God’s love for the human race. As the chaos continues to escalate, the Christian missionaries are sought out even more for any help they can give, whether food, medicine, or a spiritual […]
As I write this update today, I have many things running through my mind. There is the news of the past few days, telling of unfolding world shaking events; there are the increasing attacks on Christians around the world; and there are the stories of great faith and perseverance of true believers in Jesus Christ who have gone through unimaginable […]
In the Book of Acts (The Acts of the Apostles), we find story after story giving accounts of real life events as the fledgling Church began to fulfill the commission that Jesus had left them with before He ascended back to His throne in heaven. We find accounts of thousands of people transformed through the Blood of Jesus. We also […]
The outpouring of God’s Spirit around the world today is truly amazing. I read of the mighty things happening in some of the most difficult places on earth and one can only bow the knee and thank our Father in heaven for His matchless love for mankind. In this world where chaos is becoming the order of the day, in […]
In the tenth chapter of Hebrews we find these words: “…let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one […]
As anyone knows that keeps up on the world news, the warring going on in the Middle East has not slowed in the least. If anything, it continues to escalate. Many nations are represented by the military forces opposing each other. In Syria the figure of the dead since the civil war began in March of 2011 varies. The Syrian […]
It has been a bit longer than normal since the last update and there is much to tell. As previous updates clearly recounted, the Muslim month of Ramadan ended with many thousands of people having become followers of Jesus, the true Messiah. Among multitudes of Muslim people today there is a great craving to know the real truth. In the […]