The book of Hebrews is avoided by more readers of the New Testament than most books, other than possibly the Book of Revelation.  Many of the concepts reach back into the Old Testament, in order to tie the old sacrificial system together with the new. I was doing some reading in Hebrews however and was struck by a few things […]



Over the last few articles I have written quite a number of things that would likely be in the “gloom and doom” category–at least for some readers.  I will continue with more subjects that deal with what we are facing this year, and the years coming–if the LORD doesn’t call us home first; many things happening within this present year […]


JERUSALEM UPDATE, March 20, 2013

I have found myself a bit brain-dead the last few days and so didn’t attempt to do any writing.  I got a call this morning however that had such a tremendous effect on me, I decided I at least need to get an update out on the missionary work of House Of Blessing, and make sure it is today before […]



Dear reader: I have uploaded an e-mail received from R*****, founder of H.O.B. a while back.  The article he wrote is right on the money and just as pertinent today as when it was written. I have had the opportunity to pray with this man nearly fifty times or so since late March 2012, and the experiences I’ve had praying […]

JERUSALEM UPDATE, January 19, 2013

DON’T MISS THESE THREE GREAT MIRACLES!!! This last Friday I received my weekly call from H.O.B. and need to share with you an unexpected and “over-the-top” trio of miracles.  I hope it is understood that this is not “over-the-top” for GOD, but it sure feels so to us quite often. For years though I have prayed for GOD’s interventions in […]