GOD’S MYSTERY, The Church, Part 2 “The Compromising Church”

As mentioned in previous postings, The “Church” was meant and designed to be a glorious entity that would fulfill God’s plan in this world, but yet not be of the world. In the first part of this series I made a comment that the Church today is in trouble. That may not sit well with everyone, and I want to […]



For this update, I suggest that the reader take time and read through the Book of the Acts of the Apostles. What we read there is just the beginning. In these last moments of time before the Great Day of the Lord, we are being gifted with some of the most tremendous stories of all time. In the history of […]


“SUDDENLY!” Part 10, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

I have spent more time on the “Suddenly” series of articles than originally intended, but due to many questions in the previous weeks, I feel more in depth information is warranted. Our world is changing much more quickly than most are aware of. I heard someone say the other day that it would be much easier to keep one’s head […]


“Suddenly!” Part 9, (Apocalyptic Red Horse & Rider)

In Part 8, we looked at several Scriptures describing the days that Jesus warned would come. Several verses in Matthew 24 speak of war. As we look back at world history, it is plain to see that man’s history is filled with war. So what was Jesus speaking of that is different than what man’s miserable history already shows? As […]


How To Walk In Intimacy With God, Part 11

In this series we have looked at quite a number things that have to do with our walk of intimacy with God. We are going to look at something in this portion of the study that is sometimes overlooked in our day. This is “Purity.” We will spend some time looking at this in this study. We know that God […]


“SUDDENLY!” Part 5 (Apocalyptic White Horse & Rider, continued)

At this point in the discussion I would like to go into some of the preparations that are happening behind the scenes that most people are not aware of. I will come back to the upcoming third incursion of Nephilim after more groundwork has been laid. The late scientist, David Flynn, said: “Currently, the group of beings referred to as […]
