“The Worthy One” — “The Lamb of GOD” Part Two

–Study of Revelation 4-5 Continued From Part One– –Part Two– Because of where this study is taking us in Revelation 4 and 5, three passages below in the New Testament will be of importance. These passages make an undeniable connection between the “suffering Messiah” and the “Son of Man” phrase. 24 “ For as the lightning that flashes out of […]


“The Worthy One” — “The Lamb of GOD”

In preparation for a detailed study of Revelation 6-7 which includes the 7 Seals of the Apocalypse, I have reformatted and brought back a study done in 2019 on Revelation 4-5. An accurate understanding of the Throne Room scene and its timing will help with a proper understanding of what the unfolding of the 7 Seals and details surrounding them […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….1/1/2023….”Onward and Upward!”

By now, most of us have had time to reflect on the year 2022 we just left behind. One of the thoughts that has repeatedly come to my own mind is the phrase “in the fullness of time.” We find this phrase in the Scriptures several times. In the New Kings James version of the Bible, we find those words […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…12/12/2022…”In The Fullness of Time”

It seems every year goes by a bit faster than the one before. I am having a hard time getting my head around the fact that we are only days from the end of 2022. Amazing! But, here we are. One thing that gives us great hope is the fact that the Lord has brought us that much closer to […]



“To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.” Acts 10:43 The true story of why we celebrate Christmas has to do with the coming of the only-begotten Son of God into the world by taking on a human body in order to redeem the fallen human race. We call […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…12/1/2022…The Harvest Fields are Ripe!”

Today’s Mideast Update will be a short one but Pastor R has asked special prayer for the HOB missionaries, particularly in the northern areas up against the Turkish border. Many of you may not be aware but Turkey’s President Erdogan has indicated his intent to begin the ground phase of Operation Claw-Sword. He wants to clear the southern borders of […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…11/3/2022…”And These Signs Will Follow Those That Believe…”

 As I begin today’s Update, I would like to draw your attention to a passage in Isaiah: 60 Arise, My people! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the Lord is streaming from you. 61 Darkness as black as night shall cover all the peoples of the earth, but the glory of the […]


“The Catching Away” in Zephaniah’s Prophecy?

Zephaniah’s Pre-Tribulation Rapture I recently came across an excellent article which happens to be in line with some of my own studies in the Old Testament Book of Zephaniah. It was written by an author by the name of Corey (last name unknown to me) and is found on a website called “End Times: Darkness Descending”. I decided to share […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…10/27/2022…”Through the Wilderness to the Promised Land”

  Just before the actual Update for this week, I’d like to share a few thoughts in introduction: All one needs to do to realize our world is facing a convergence of multiple crises like never before in man’s history is to open our eyes. Many in the West would rather close their eyes to what’s happening all over the […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….10/3/2022….”A Priceless Treasure”

I have had the opportunity to speak with Pastor R several times in the last few days. He told me about a new challenge being faced in Syria; cholera. To be clear, cholera has been faced before in the Mideast, and the House of Blessing missionaries have had to deal with its effects before. This however is the first time […]
