See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil; therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5:15-17: I think many of us, as professing Christians, do not think enough about what the will of the Lord may be. We have very […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/20/2016
As I write this Mideast Update, the world population is just under 7½ billion people. According to those that keep population statistics professionally, the population of the world grows by roughly 84 million people per year, more than the present population of Germany. It is estimated that 55.3 million people die per year. This means that about 151,600 souls pass […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/11/2016
As I begin to write this update, I think back to all that has transpired in the last few years. A little less than a year after the beginning of the Arab Spring in the Middle East, the Lord spoke to Pastor R, the founder of House of Blessing, asking him to go over the border from Israel and begin […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 10/04/2016
As I track the news coming in from different parts of the world, I am staggered by how quickly things are moving. Things are escalating so quickly now that it is nearly impossible to keep up with everything transpiring. Jesus spoke about our generation, foretelling the wars and rumors of wars, nation rising against nation, kingdom against kingdom. We are […]
The Old Testament Scriptures bring up something else that is foreign to many, but is definitely a factor in God’s relationship with mankind. The Old Testament speaks quite often of the “adultery” of Israel. He not only speaks of the adultery, but also says that, He, God, is “married” to Israel! Let’s look at a few Scriptures to show this. […]
Even though the traditional Jewish wedding has been discussed in other articles, and we explained the basic steps up above, it is important to dig a bit deeper and include some of the traditions of the Jewish wedding which have been practiced for thousands of years. There is some variance in traditions at Jesus’ time in history but basic facts […]
As I begin writing the current Mideast Update, I think of the confluence of events in the Middle East today. I have stacks of papers scattered on my desk covering the so-called “Arab Spring”, the Syrian civil war, the escalating military involvement of numerous world powers in the Mideast, the resulting ever-deteriorating refugee crisis, and then of course the fearless […]
As the world leaders meet to “solve” the world’s problems, and as high-paid political figures do their negotiating, the world continues to fall apart. For all of the peace proposals and supposed cease-fires, thousands of people continue to die. If they do not die from the bombing campaigns, they may be murdered by any one of the many Islamic jihadist […]
The closer we get to the second coming of our Messiah Yeshua, the more I notice the outstanding miracles the Lord God provides. In a mission field such as the Middle East where the needs are so very great, every missionary organization finds itself having to make decisions as to which crucial need gets met with the available finances. In […]
As I look over my notes from my last conversation with Pastor R, I once again encourage you not to see the numbers of the newly killed missionaries, as well as the many reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ, as just that…numbers. I pray that these Mideast Updates never become routine reports, just giving an accounting of gains and […]