How To Walk In Intimacy With God, Part 13 (Final)

There is a vast difference between knowing about God, and “knowing” God. Our churches, Bible colleges and seminaries, are full of people who have accumulated a great deal of knowledge “about” God. Some a doctorate in theology and received high marks for their thesis, yet they do not “know” God!  We have evangelists who are in great demand to speak […]



Quite often in recent times I have experienced an urgency in my soul. This is one of those times so I must set aside everything else I have been working on and share some thoughts that are crowding my mind today, including what I believe is coming at us in our immediate future. As most of us know, we are […]



THE WIDOW SISTERHOOD Earlier this year, R**** shared with us the story of a Syrian woman who witnessed the murder of her husband at the hands of her son, because he refused to deny his new-found faith in Jesus Christ. What happened when her son demanded that she deny Christ in front of close to 400 witnesses has been told […]



Revelation 12:11 reads: They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. As I write this update today, it is Independency day in The United States of America, July 4. The details of this update were gathered from a couple […]


“SUDDENLY!” Part 5 (Apocalyptic White Horse & Rider, continued)

At this point in the discussion I would like to go into some of the preparations that are happening behind the scenes that most people are not aware of. I will come back to the upcoming third incursion of Nephilim after more groundwork has been laid. The late scientist, David Flynn, said: “Currently, the group of beings referred to as […]



Over the last few articles I have written quite a number of things that would likely be in the “gloom and doom” category–at least for some readers.  I will continue with more subjects that deal with what we are facing this year, and the years coming–if the LORD doesn’t call us home first; many things happening within this present year […]
