Watching the news further confirming a call from Syria in the wee hours of the morning, it is obvious that circumstances continue to deteriorate in the Middle East. Many of you may have heard of the horrors happening in the Syrian city of “Deior-ez-Zor” (one of several spellings). It is located in the northeastern portion of Syria and was brutally […]



The beginning of the Church Age was tumultuous. Once the Day of Pentecost came and the apostles began to preach and teach with power, the forces of the enemy began to persecute. The enemy here is not the Jewish Scribes, Pharisees, Sadducees, or even the Roman government at the time, but rather the forces of hell that were unleashed to […]



After receiving a phone update this week from Pastor R, and thinking about all the things that God is doing through the House of Blessing missionaries in the Middle East, I am reminded of a number of Scriptures. One of these is Ephesians 4. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and […]



We live in a world where people are looking for heroes and even the supernatural. Many of the movies that are produced today play into the desires that people have. As humans, we find ourselves wishing we had access to the supernatural…usually for the wrong reasons. We wish we were capable of seeing things that the natural human eye cannot […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/24/2015

I am now coming to realize more and more as time passes, that not only is the intensity of world events increasing, but so is the intensity increasing with the work in God’s harvest of souls. For those of us who have direct contact with overseas missions, it is probably easier to recognize; it certainly is for me through my […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/20/2015

Many times Jesus said things that caused His listeners to wonder if they had heard right. One of these times was when He made this statement: “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father. […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/11/2015

How many of us in this generation have said that we would love to have lived in the days of the early Church. We read the stories that have been recorded for us in the Book of Acts and some of the early Church records and wish we could have seen these very things. Many of us have also heard […]



The New Testament story of Saul, the Pharisee and ferocious persecutor of the Christians, who became the beloved Paul the Apostle, is one of the greatest stories of forgiveness in the Bible. The account of the transformation of Saul into Paul, is proof of the enormous grace of God and how He desires to forgive and set us free from […]



Yesterday morning, 11/30/2015, I received an unexpected phone call from Syria. Most of the time, my regular weekly call comes on Friday morning (Pacific Coast Time). Pastor R said he called because he wanted to tell me about an unusual event regarding a man named Sheikh Salem. Sheikh Salem had been a Muslim head sheikh for many years. A little […]


MIDEAST UPDATE, 11/29/2015

It has now been nearly two weeks since I have written an official Mideast update. For those of us in the West, the days go by quickly, especially during the holidays. Here in America, we have just celebrated Thanksgiving. This is a time for getting together with friends, but especially family. Being truly thankful for the blessings that have been […]
