I have used Ephesians 5:14-17 as a passage of Scripture lately in Bible studies and even mentioned it on occasion while writing these Mideast Updates. The passage reads like this: Therefore He says: “Awake you who sleep, arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming […]
As I think back to the events that have transpired during 2016 in the lives of Pastor R and the House of Blessing missionaries, I am struck by what an eventful year this has been. Many true life stories have been chronicled and then retold. These accounts describe how God honored the trust, faith, and obedience of His loyal servants […]
As I get ready to send out the first Mideast Update for 2017, I want to first say thank you to all the people around the world that have responded to the urgent prayer need for Pastor R in the last few days. I have sent out several short urgent prayer notices, and judging from different comments I’ve seen, there […]
Through two phone calls received this morning from Pastor R, I have learned that the doctors that performed his first surgery had found that his blood was being poisoned somehow. His condition baffled the doctors because his blood tests showed signs of gangrene somewhere. The hospital immediately put him on strong medication, hoping that this would cure the problem. In […]
I have received a short e-mail this morning to let me know that Pastor R has had his surgery. It appears that the surgery went well; he has been given the blood that he needed, and although he is weak, he is recuperating. It will take a few days for him to get his strength back. I’m sure we’ll hear […]
An urgent request was just put out for prayer concerning Pastor R and the struggles he has been having with his health. I know many of you immediately began earnestly taking him and his situation before the Lord at this critical time for him. I am thankful for a body of believers that take the Word of God literally and […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/19/2016
I find myself turning to John 14:1-3 more and more these days as a counterbalance to the supply of bad news available through the news services on a daily basis. This is how these three verses read: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions, if it […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 12/13/2016
In one of the calls I received from Pastor R this past week, I had the amazing opportunity to speak with three of the new graduates from HOB’s School of Ministry. These three men, whose names were Mahmud, Abdullah, and Gaze, knew very little English but were able to greet me on the phone. They felt it a blessing to […]
As I read one news article after another, I think of a great event that is soon to come. Soon, the Lord of Glory will return to this world which today is spinning out of control, and He will take full control over it once again. The Psalmist penned these words in Psalm 24: The earth is the LORD’s, and […]
MIDEAST UPDATE, 11/22/2016
In Joel 3:14, we find these well known words: Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision. This is the scene all over the world today as millions face the valley of decision. In the Mideast, most people have lost all hope of life ever becoming normal again. […]