MIDEAST UPDATE…3/22/2021…”End of the Age Harvest”

As we look back at Church history we find that no matter the circumstances, the true Church, as it was empowered by the Holy Spirit, was able to thrive and grow. We see this in many locations in our world today, including the troubled Middle East. The Book of Acts gives us many examples of this, one of them in […]



I ran into a short article written recently by Jan Markell, founder of Olive Tree Ministries, and decided to reprint it here. It’s well worth reading! Jake ************************** The Sons of Issachar were men who understood the times (I Chronicles 12:32). Today, very few people have an interest. The following e-mail represents hundreds that I get: “Jan, I am viewed […]


“THE LIFTED VEIL” (reprint from ‘UNSEALED’ website)…author Gary

Recently I ran into an article on the website “UNSEALED” (which I highly recommend) that I have read several times. It spoke powerfully to my own heart and it spoke to the times we are living in with such clarity, I shared it with my own home fellowship. I also sent out to my mailing list. The article is a […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 12/26/2018 God is Good!

As I begin this update close to the end of 2018, I felt the Holy Spirit urge me to share a few thoughts about how we ought to view the days we are living in and how we should approach them. We live in unique times and it is important that we see what God has to say to us […]


WHY JESUS? Part 4, (Final)

There have been hundreds of so-called prophets and false messiahs in the almost 2000 years since Jesus ascended back to the throne of God. All of them eventually die, and NONE of them have ever come back from the dead! Jesus was very specific in His warning for us not to be deceived by any of the many frauds that […]


How To Walk In Intimacy With God, Part 11

In this series we have looked at quite a number things that have to do with our walk of intimacy with God. We are going to look at something in this portion of the study that is sometimes overlooked in our day. This is “Purity.” We will spend some time looking at this in this study. We know that God […]
