Below is a ‘word for word’ reprint of an article written by Gary, one of the founders of the excellent website, “UNSEALED”. I found it to have many reminders of why we as believers have much to be encouraged about at this late hour. It is a perfect time to REMEMBER what the Word of God has told us about […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 10/13/2021 The KING is Coming!

You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power, for You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created. Revelation 4:11 …Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him. Psalm 2:12 Presently, I am out of state, and at the moment that Pastor R called me this last time, I had […]


The Reality of the Rapture … Part 2 of 2 … 6/19/2021

Continued from Part One… It was not only the Apostle Paul who warned against mocking. We find the Apostle Peter spoke about it as well. 1 Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), 2 that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by […]


The Reality of the Rapture … Part 1 of 2 … 6/18/2021

This is a reprint of an article I wrote nearly two years ago, but the warning bells for this sudden supernatural event have never been as loud and clear as they are today! Part one and two of this fascinating study will run back to back. May they encourage you as they do me! Jake Geier   ******************* The “Rapture” […]


MIDEAST UPDATE….3/18/2021….”Just As I Am”

In the last update, I told the story of five men; a father named Suleiman, and his four grown sons, Majd, Mustafa, Refaat, and Aref. These five men had been raised Muslim but eventually became Islamic State (Daesh) militants. When in God’s providence their paths crossed with House of Blessing’s missionaries, Omar, Sami, and Mussa, they found that Jesus Christ […]


Remember The Red Sea! 10 Super Signs Converge

One of the websites I frequent is called “UNSEALED”, I had their latest article arrive in my email this morning and decided to pass it on to you. I understand that most students of Bible prophecy see some things from a little different slant, yours truly included.  That said however, I pray that this article—in spite of differences you may […]


“THE LIFTED VEIL” (reprint from ‘UNSEALED’ website)…author Gary

Recently I ran into an article on the website “UNSEALED” (which I highly recommend) that I have read several times. It spoke powerfully to my own heart and it spoke to the times we are living in with such clarity, I shared it with my own home fellowship. I also sent out to my mailing list. The article is a […]



Because we are living in extraordinary times; a time in history when our world is becoming more and more volatile and knowing that greater turbulence is on its way, it is important that we incorporate God’s instructions for “such a time as this.” We have also been given exceptional promises that we need to integrate into our way of thinking […]



As I was looking over notes that I had taken from my phone call with Pastor R this week, my mind went to stories that many of us have read in the Book of Acts. Stories of the seedling Church on the Day of Pentecost which grew into a force that has not been stopped for 2,000 years. In those […]



I had a question come to mind: If I only had time enough left in my life to write one more article, what would it be? I decided I would call the article, “What If?” The Old Testament prophet Daniel was given visions of events ushering in the seven years of Apocalypse that were revealed to the Apostle John some […]
