The Controversy of “Faith and Works”, Part 3

The parable of the ten talents found in Matthew’s Gospel has had controversy over what was said to the third servant. When he was rebuked and tossed out into “outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth”, was that hell? Was it the lake of fire? Some might find it controversial, but could there be a third possibility not often thought of due to traditional teachings? It’s worth looking into??


JERUSALEM UPDATE: September 18, 2013

There are many missionary organizations around the world, most of them however being “nameless”, due to having to work underground. House Of Blessing, City Of Jesus Ministry, is one of these “nameless” ones. Access to financial help, and prayer from those around the world is dependent upon outsiders who are acquainted with the work being done. This is the case with these “Jerusalem Updates” which have been uploaded for the last 17 months after a personal trip to Jerusalem in March of 2012. This is a ministry that is legitimate, and very, very effective. Tens of thousands have found Jesus Christ the Messiah in the midst of desperate times. God has met them and loved them into His family. Please make yourselves available to this continuing amazing, miraculous story. It is still being written…


JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 21, 2013

Much missionary work is going on in 2013, none more difficult than in the middle of the civil war going on in Syria. A ministry run by House Of Blessing, Jerusalem is in the thick of it and are paying a very heavy price to share the love of God to people who have no hope, nor have they ever heard of the God of love who paid the price for mankind’s freedom, eternally. This is the last installment of a 16 month saga by H.O.B. and its humble founder.


JERUSALEM UPDATE, August 4, 2013

Since the last “House Of Blessing” update was uploaded I have had two additional contacts with our Israeli pastor friend R*.  I found his updates quite encouraging and again found more reason than ever to keep him and his volunteer missionaries not just in occasional prayer, but earnest prayer as the book of James calls for when it says that […]


JERUSALEM UPDATE–May 25, 2013 (Time of the Essence!)

This post is a continuation of updates having to do with an underground Christian ministry to Muslims. The emphasis has been to show those who serve a prophet and god that advocates murdering infidels because they will not convert to Islam. Bibles are given free of charge and taken over the border around Israel, lately the emphasis being on Syria which is on the edge of total collapse. The founder of this ministry was nearly beaten to death with clubs and stoned by Hezbollah, but is still sharing the love of God. This is a genuine ministry of love to people who have been taught to hate and kill. God on the other hand is a God of love, compassion, and forgiveness. This is the message of this article.



This post points out that much of the professing Church is soft, out of touch with Christ’s reality, and has gods of materialism, sports, and a feel-good Christianity. God does not accept it as He requires us to have a genuine relationship with Him that is based on His truth, holiness as He sees it, and a life lived that touches the world with His love. We, for the most part, have forgotten what the fear of God is all about–and until we find it again, are going to fail in fulfilling His commission He gave us. Time has run out and we’d better get with His program–not ours. His definition of “success” is not the one we use. We must see the difference.



The book of Hebrews is avoided by more readers of the New Testament than most books, other than possibly the Book of Revelation.  Many of the concepts reach back into the Old Testament, in order to tie the old sacrificial system together with the new. I was doing some reading in Hebrews however and was struck by a few things […]



Over the last few articles I have written quite a number of things that would likely be in the “gloom and doom” category–at least for some readers.  I will continue with more subjects that deal with what we are facing this year, and the years coming–if the LORD doesn’t call us home first; many things happening within this present year […]


JERUSALEM UPDATE, March 20, 2013

I have found myself a bit brain-dead the last few days and so didn’t attempt to do any writing.  I got a call this morning however that had such a tremendous effect on me, I decided I at least need to get an update out on the missionary work of House Of Blessing, and make sure it is today before […]



Dear reader: I have uploaded an e-mail received from R*****, founder of H.O.B. a while back.  The article he wrote is right on the money and just as pertinent today as when it was written. I have had the opportunity to pray with this man nearly fifty times or so since late March 2012, and the experiences I’ve had praying […]