Those who read the Mideast Update written nearly on a weekly basis will be aware that there is a very important Muslim religious observance coming at the end of August. This is a yearly event and is called, Eid al-Adha, meaning, “Festival of Sacrifice.” It is the second of two important religious holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide each year. For […]
Week after week in these updates, I share a little bit of the news coming out of the Mideast. One of the reasons I do so is because many people do not pay much attention to the news. I was talking to a banker friend a couple of days ago and asked her if she was aware of the latest […]
This week’s update is in two parts, the second part being a story that comes directly from people in Mosul who are experiencing the reality of the civil war battleground that is both Iraq and Syria today. This story will be on line in a couple days. Many people hear little or no news about what is actually happening in […]
As we find ourselves at the end of June 2017, the Muslims of the world have come to the end of the month of Ramadan. For the House of Blessing missionaries, it is time to regroup, recoup, and ask the Lord for His guidance for the days ahead. Much prayer has gone up from around the world for this year’s […]
At a time of the year when the Muslim people of the world are observing Ramadan, a time of fasting, prayer, and reflection, terrorist groups are using the month to showcase their hatred even more than normal. According to the NTEB website, the first 27 days of Ramadan have so far resulted in 152 Islamic terror attacks globally, resulting in […]
As the Lord promised, He has anointed His people to preach and teach the Word of God with great power and authority in these crucial times. Ramadan 2017 has become a time of great harvest for the Kingdom of God. The “multitudes in the valley of decision” which the prophet Joel spoke of in the Old Testament, today are streaming […]
The House of Blessing missionaries are experiencing some things that you and I would love to witness in person. I have commented before that what is happening on the ground there is just like what we read about in the book of Acts. I pray that the Lord will take this update and make it as real to the heart […]
I have been out of my office for a few days but want to pass on the most recent information that I have received in my last two conversations with Pastor R. The Islamic month of Ramadan is in full swing and the House of Blessing missionaries are strategically located around the Middle East. Just in the first few days […]
As the days wind down toward the end of May when the Muslim month of Ramadan begins, House of Blessing is praying about how to make the most of the yearly opportunity. One reason that it has been so successful over the last few years is because, as the Muslim people begin to fast and pray during this yearly event, […]
Five years ago when I began writing the Mideast Update (originally called Jerusalem Updates), I would never have believed that I would still have the privilege of writing these updates today. Here we are, already one third of the way through the year 2017. Quite often I find myself looking back, remembering so many stories of the miracles, the sovereign […]