This last week has been very eventful. I received a report from Syria with photos taken in Northern Syria near the border with Turkey. Mofidah, and her group of widows in Syria, who have had so many astounding experiences in the past few months, was able to get to Pastor R****’s location and visit with him in person. She brought […]
I have had several direct calls from the Middle East in the last week, each one more awe-inspiring than the one before it. I am afraid it is way too easy for those of us living in the West where life still has some semblance of normalcy, to see the rest of the world as something off of this planet. […]
Quite often in recent times I have experienced an urgency in my soul. This is one of those times so I must set aside everything else I have been working on and share some thoughts that are crowding my mind today, including what I believe is coming at us in our immediate future. As most of us know, we are […]
“Greater Love Hath No Man” There are stories and then there are stories. Some are forgotten not long after they are read. Then there are the stories you find yourself going over again and again in your mind. So many times in the last two years I have tried to imagine myself in some of the stories that have been […]
JERUSALEM UPDATE, January 31, 2014
The work in the Middle East by House Of Blessing has gone beyond anything anyone could have imagined. What God has done is stupendous. More souls have been reached in 22 months than have reportedly been slaughtered in Syria’s 3 year civil war! These are souls that will spend an eternity in the presence of their Creator! What a story it is!
Controversy of Faith and Works, Part 5
The parable of the ten virgins might have more spiritual depth of meaning than many give it credit for. It is easy to pass off some of the details in Jesus’ parables and say that the details aren’t all that important because they are only parables. I don’t believe this and through this series of articles am trying to show this. Even salvation is absolutely free, there are still requirements that God has placed upon our living upon this earth. We tend to forget that this is the training ground and we are just passing through.
The Controversy of “Faith and Works”, Part 3
The parable of the ten talents found in Matthew’s Gospel has had controversy over what was said to the third servant. When he was rebuked and tossed out into “outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth”, was that hell? Was it the lake of fire? Some might find it controversial, but could there be a third possibility not often thought of due to traditional teachings? It’s worth looking into??