“The Catching Away” in Zephaniah’s Prophecy?

Zephaniah’s Pre-Tribulation Rapture I recently came across an excellent article which happens to be in line with some of my own studies in the Old Testament Book of Zephaniah. It was written by an author by the name of Corey (last name unknown to me) and is found on a website called “End Times: Darkness Descending”. I decided to share […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…10/27/2022…”Through the Wilderness to the Promised Land”

  Just before the actual Update for this week, I’d like to share a few thoughts in introduction: All one needs to do to realize our world is facing a convergence of multiple crises like never before in man’s history is to open our eyes. Many in the West would rather close their eyes to what’s happening all over the […]


Rapture Typology in Acts Nine

Dramatic Escape From Damascus   (Word for word reprint of article written for UNSEALED website, Author: Jeff) Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. (Romans 11:25 ESV) The mystery of Christ […]


When You See These Things Beginning…

Missing the Forest for the Trees As Jesus sat with His disciples in the evening on what was most likely the day before His crucifixion, they asked Him three questions: “Tell us when these things shall be”? “What shall be the Sign of Your Coming?”  “What is the sign of the end of the age?” The Bible uses terms like […]


From Death to Life

The Resurrection Promise / The Trumpet Voice of GOD 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption. 51 Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an […]


“Crucifixion to the Resurrection”

The very center point of human history is punctuated by one man whose life had a greater effect on the human race than anyone who has ever lived. Although Jesus Christ was not born exactly in the year -0-, nor did He die in that year, the timeline of history wraps around His life. The time before Christ is traditionally […]


MIDEAST UPDATE…3/1/2022…”It Is Well, Even If…”

In 2 Corinthians 12:9 we find the words, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”  Just before sharing a few details I received from the House of Blessing this morning, I would like to share a few thoughts that I pray might bring some encouragement.  Suffering in the Christian life is sometimes difficult […]


The Last of the Last Days

We’ve Never Been Closer ‘UNSEALED” author, Gary This generation has lived through the worst war in history (World War II), the formation of a proto-global government (the United Nations), the reestablishment of the nation-state of Israel after a 2,669-year hiatus, and the conquest of Jerusalem by the Jewish people. This generation has been alive during the greatest period of political, societal, and technological […]


Prophetic Signs of Jesus’ Imminent Return…LOOK UP!

I happened on another great article today, finding it embedded within another article I was reading. I have reprinted it, word for word, just as I found it, including the bibliography and author’s information. I have been blessed by Jonathan Brentner’s ministry many times over the past years, having watched his interviews with some of my favorite pastors and teachers. […]



Below is a ‘word for word’ reprint of an article written by Gary, one of the founders of the excellent website, “UNSEALED”. I found it to have many reminders of why we as believers have much to be encouraged about at this late hour. It is a perfect time to REMEMBER what the Word of God has told us about […]
