It is amazing how quickly changes are happening all across the globe today. The epicenter of the entire earth however will continue to be in the Middle East until our Lord, the KING of Kings, comes to take control for His promised 1,000 year millennial reign. The fallen Lucifer knows the Bible and is well aware that the Jewish people […]



Many times in these updates I have mentioned how great a miracle it is for every single soul that is reached with the Gospel news pronouncing that man can have the assurance of forgiveness and the promise of an eternity in God’s heaven. Those of us that have grown up raised in a church where this was taught, may take […]



In the last few days we had requests for special prayer for Pastor R, founder of the House of Blessing. I have received a short phone call with some new information to share. As most regular readers already know, Pastor R had an emergency procedure due to a heart attack he had suffered. I don’t know details though it sounds […]


MIDEAST UPDATE Part 2 3/12/2017

In an update a few days ago, it was reported that in some locations within Syria there are often several military entities within hand-grenade distance of one another. Because of this, a small force of Americans has been deployed into the Manbij area. Their task is to ensure that the different parties in the area don’t attack each other–especially Turkish […]


STORY FROM SYRIA, Mideast Update, Part 1 3/10/2017

The stories relayed from the HOB missionaries in Syria and Iraq oftentimes seem to be perfect application of the teachings of Jesus 2000 years ago. The faith of these missionaries is incredible and their trust in His faithfulness is unwavering. The story told here is one that can build our faith and our trust in Him. It applies the truth […]


MIDEAST UPDATE 3/7/2017, Part 2

In John 16:33, Jesus warned the disciples with these words: …in this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. Sometimes God allows some of us to be in places of trouble because that is where we will find the lost. If some of us aren’t there, how will they hear the Good News? The […]



As we come to the end of February 2017, I received news for this update through a phone call as I was traveling south along the Dead Sea. As is usually the case, I have received both good news and also tragic news. Before I get to the actual House of Blessing update, it will be helpful to give a […]



As one reads the epistles in the New Testament, there are numerous reminders by Paul for the churches to keep him in prayer, usually because he was being held in custody somewhere for preaching the gospel of Christ. One of these examples is found in Colossians where he ends his letter in 4:18 with, “This salutation by my own hand–Paul. […]
