MIDEAST UPDATE, July 28, 2014

It is hard for me to believe that we are already well over half way through 2014. Time is moving faster all the time, it seems. I look back into the archives and reread some of the Mideast Updates from past months and it’s amazing to see what God has done in such a short period of time. A project […]


“SUDDENLY”, (Apocalyptic White Horse & Rider, continued), Part 7

In Part 6 of this series I outlined the “Blue Beam Project.” I know that for many people the content may have been hard to swallow, but the facts that have become available leave us at least needing to allow for its eventual revelation to the public–even if in a clandestine way. Finding real truth in our day is becoming […]


The Controversy of Faith and Works, Part 8

The Parable of the Sower shows four categories of people in relation to how they hear and receive God’s Word. Many don’t come to hear, others have lives clogged up with too many distractions and cares to hear and apply, others are going through very difficult times and can’t find their bearing. But then there are those that hear, understand, and apply God’s Word. They bring fruit, 30-fold, 60-fold, or 100-fold.


The Controversy of “Faith and Works”, Part 3

The parable of the ten talents found in Matthew’s Gospel has had controversy over what was said to the third servant. When he was rebuked and tossed out into “outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth”, was that hell? Was it the lake of fire? Some might find it controversial, but could there be a third possibility not often thought of due to traditional teachings? It’s worth looking into??


JERUSALEM UPDATE: September 18, 2013

There are many missionary organizations around the world, most of them however being “nameless”, due to having to work underground. House Of Blessing, City Of Jesus Ministry, is one of these “nameless” ones. Access to financial help, and prayer from those around the world is dependent upon outsiders who are acquainted with the work being done. This is the case with these “Jerusalem Updates” which have been uploaded for the last 17 months after a personal trip to Jerusalem in March of 2012. This is a ministry that is legitimate, and very, very effective. Tens of thousands have found Jesus Christ the Messiah in the midst of desperate times. God has met them and loved them into His family. Please make yourselves available to this continuing amazing, miraculous story. It is still being written…
